Frequently Delivered Deals

Take a look at some of our frequently delivered deals and place an order with our quick and easy form down below.
To qualify for Delivery, you must be a Yalden DIY & Garden Loyalty or Trade Account holder and be familiar with our Delivery Terms and Conditions.

Deliveries will be scheduled for the next available date according to our postcode schedule.

Any special requests can be stated in the 'Other Notes' area.

This is a request for delivery only. We will contact you to confirm and to arrange payment. We reserve the right to refuse delivery at any point if necessary.
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Kiln Dried Logs

RRP £7.99

Multi-Bag Deal - 5 bags

only £35
(12% discount)

code: 5KDL

Half Pallet Deal - 45 bags

only £247.50
(34% discount, pre-season offers apply)
code: 45KDL

Pallet Deal - 90 bags

only £477.00
(34% discount, pre-season offers apply)
code: 90KDL

Salt Tablets

RRP £9.25

Multi-Bag Deal - 5 bags

only £43.90
(5% discount)
code: 5ST

Salt Granules

RRP £9.25

Multi-Bag Deal - 5 bags

only £43.90
(5% discount)
code: 5SG

Harvey Block's

RRP £5.99

Multi-Bag Deal - 10 bags

only £56.90
(5% discount)

Multi-Purpose w/John Innes

RRP £6

3 for 2 = 3 for £12

code: 3MPJI

Jack's Magic Compost 60L

RRP £6

2 for £10

code: 2JM

Top Soil 35L

RRP £3.99

3 for £10

code: 3TS

Quick Checkout

    You must tick to qualify for Delivery:
    I have read and understand the Delivery Terms and Conditions

    I am a Yalden DIY & Garden Account holder




    Please carefully select at least one Deal:


    Quantity is specified in deal but if you want more than 1 of the deal please select below

    Preferred Delivery Date